Part-time Jobs

Work from Home Jobs in Dubai

Are you interested in doing Part-time work…?

Then, this is the right time…

Expats in the UAE often toy with the idea of working on a part-time basis. Now you can take up part-time jobs to earn extra income…

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Benefits of doing part-time projects...

We (YBC), have projects in the pipeline. We need the right person with knowledge and skills,

  • Opportunity to earn more money
  • Improve your skills and enhance knowledge
  • Save money on transportation/accommodation
  • Reduce stress levels and improved health
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Types of part-time jobs YBC can offer...

Many companies now complete their projects on a contract basis or as outsourced part-time jobs. Such  part-time jobs we have  in the following areas:

  • Financial Management
  • Food Safety Management
  • Hospitality Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • I.C.T Management
  • Marketing/Sales Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Debt Collection Management, and many more…

How to take Part-time work from YBC?

Mail your CV to | Our consultant will reach you asap.

Enquire for a Part-time Job

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